Trying to maintain a healthy and balanced diet while attempting to juggle between work, stress and family is no easy feat, especially when making meal preparations can take up a lot of time. A majority of us definitely want to achieve a healthier and better version of ourselves, but we often lack the time to do proper research and cook up more nutritious meals.
Fortunately, with the resources widely available on the Internet, we can easily find the ideal superfood product for our bodies; which are easy to prepare and full of nutritious goodness!
One of them is the KOS Organic Daily Greens that is packed with the nutrients needed for our bodies and keeps us energized all day.
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Due to the increase in the number of individuals prioritizing work above everything else, choosing a ready-to-go nutritious blend can be the most ideal solution for you to stay healthy.
KOS Organic Daily Greens is your number one flavourful and refreshing daily dose of nutrition that contains a wide range of nutrient and vitamin-rich whole food ingredients; that bring about many health benefits. The extreme convenience that it offers consumers is what appeals to them since you can easily prepare your blend in under 20 seconds.
This nutritious yet affordable daily drink is made with a specially chosen blend of plant nutrition that supports and enhances your internal ecosystem. With a daily dose of KOS Greens in the morning to kick start your day, it promises to facilitate your body’s natural detoxification process, exacerbate energy production and reduce stress levels.
Simply scoop a spoonful of the product into 8 to 12 oz of cold water, mix it well for about 20 seconds and you’re good to go! Its drink form allows you to consume it on the go when you’re out and about, to give you the boost you need for the day ahead.
Furthermore, its super tasty Green Apple Sorbet flavor promises a sweet and refreshing taste, that is well-liked by consumers of all ages, so you need not worry about your fussy kids who hate the leafy taste of vegetables!
If you’re interested in this health product, read on as we touch more on its endless health benefits, ingredients list, and possible cons of this drink.
One of the most important benefits is the enhancement of your immune system. The ideal balance of phytonutrients that the blend contains is extremely vital for a well-functioning nervous system, as well as a good immune system that protects you against bacteria and viruses. The high-quality prebiotics will also further strengthen your immune system, preventing your body from falling sick easily.
Furthermore, it is packed with nutritious and healthy plants; they are mixed well to infuse your body with the traditional sources of energy. High in chlorella and spirulina content, they provide sources of protein and antioxidants to boost your intestinal system.
You may also be interested in: Our Recommended Greens Powder
The abundance of ingredients like wheatgrass, oat grass, broccoli, kale, and green bell pepper combined also helps to enhance and improve your immunity, detoxify and flush toxins and boost your mood by calming your nerves and reducing stress levels.
Furthermore, the use of apples, monk fruit, lemon, and mint will help to give your drink a nice sweet touch to it, making it well-liked by consumers of all ages. Next, we will inspect the ingredients list to determine if this product can truly give you all of the health benefits that it boasts of.
For individuals who are prone to calorie counting, you will be happy to know that a cup of delicious KOS Greens will only give you 30 calories, which can be considered quite impressive, given the numerous health benefits that you reap.
KOS Greens are also heavily infused with an abundant amount of superfood greens, alkalizing vegetables and many natural ingredients responsible for the benefits to your body.
By looking at the label though it’s clear we don’t know all the ingredient amounts in their greens blend though.
Superfood Greens
Organic wheatgrass: a type of superfood green is characterized by its healing properties that surpass all grasses. Known as one of nature’s most abundant sources of vitamins A and C, it also contains many mineral elements like calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, B12, cobalt, zinc and sodium.
Oat grass: This ingredient is also another potent ingredient that has similar benefits to Wheat Grass. It contains an abundance of antioxidants, which is a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fiber that helps with digestion. It also boosts the alkalization of the body and has a wealth of crucial micronutrients to strengthen your body.
Spirulina: It is a blue-green alga that contains high contents of nutrients and acclaims to be one of the most nutritious food on the planet. Its high concentration of protein at 60 to 70 percent surpasses the content of red meat by twofold and is classified as one of the few plant sources of “complete protein”; due to it being infused with all the important amino acids that your body requires but cannot produce itself.
Organic chlorella: It can be characterized by its nutrient-dense list of health benefits and disease combating ingredients, living up to its name as a superfood. Research has shown that this green can boost your immune system and is useful in protecting our eyes, skin, brain, and heart from harm.
Alkalizing Vegetables
A crucial ingredient in KOS Greens is kale, which is known to be high in nutrients and very low in calorie content, enabling it to be considered as one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables. Moreover, being one of the richest sources of vitamin K, it also contains phytonutrients that are full of antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols; which are known to have many health benefits.
Next, we have Broccoli. It boasts of its high content in vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6, K, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc; and it is reputed for having a comparable amount of vitamin C as an orange. It is also known to be a rich source of soluble fiber and is extremely low in calories, making it a highly sought-after source of nutrients for individuals on a diet.
KOS Greens also contains organic cabbage, which has a magnificent list of nutrient content despite it being bland and relatively tasteless. Cabbages are high in vitamins A, B6, C, K1, K2 and folate, and contains high levels of antioxidants. Some of these include several types of flavonoids and phenols, all of which have been proven to cause a decrease in oxidative stress.
Natural Ingredients
Considered an excellent source of vitamin C, this blend also contains high levels of quercetin and pectin, both of which reap numerous health benefits. Quentin, categorized as a flavonoid, is an organic plant chemical that has anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant effects, while pectin is a kind of soluble fiber that boosts the digestive system.
Rich in vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants and minerals, lemons are powerful sources of vitamin C and folate as well. They are known for their cholesterol-lowering effects as well, hence they are commonly used to mix with water to boost weight loss.
Last but not least, we have Organic Monk Fruits. They add to the sweetness of the drink due to it being 2000 times sweeter than sugar. Mainly found in China, it has long been used as a form of medicinal remedy due to its healing properties. It also has super-antioxidants called mogrosides that enable a stronger and healthier body.
Despite its long list of health-promoting properties, KOS Organic Daily Greens are relatively affordable. It’ll cost you about $35.99 each for 30 servings, which is definitely worth the money. You can also subscribe to their website and save yourself an additional 20%, making it priced at a whopping $28.79. There is a 90-day money-back guarantee that refunds you the total amount if you decide that the product is not for you. Additionally, there is also the alternative KOS Organic Daily Reds which costs the same as the Greens.
If you are also interested in other products of KOS, they come in different types and forms, depending on what you require. For their organic plant protein, they come in both chocolate and vanilla flavors and sets you back by about $43.99 for 30 servings. Do bear in mind that similarly, all products are entitled to a 20% discount if you subscribe to their website.
As for their range of powder form supplements, they are all designed to serve different purposes and come at different prices and ingredients. Some of these include their insulin powder, cordyceps powder, red reishi powder, wheatgrass powder, Maca root powder, matcha powder and many more.
Due to its extensive amount of health-promoting benefits, coupled with its low prices, it is definitely an appealing product that is popular amongst health-conscious individuals. Its convenient consumption method also saves you the time and energy to prepare nutritious meals of comparable nutrient levels. What’s more, its unique green apple flavor has been proven to suit most palettes and tastes absolutely delectable!
A product that is specially designed to cater to your needs, KOS Organic Daily Greens is a hassle-free and nutrient-dense product that is guaranteed to be a better pick-me-up than other conventional caffeine alternatives.
If this is your first time trying a health supplement, this product is certainly worth considering. Just be sure to check with your healthcare professional to see if it is suitable for your diet and you’re good to go!
Our Recommended Greens
Among the best in green superfood powders is SuperGreen TONIK.
Its amazing how this supplement combines organic greens, brain and immune nutrients, all in one easy, great tasting drink. Plus, you get all the vitamin and mineral you need each day.
Author Profile

- Hi, my name is Sandra! I am the main author and reviewer of Super Greens Expert. I am a keen juicer as I was want to get all my daily veggies. Having found super greens I now use one such supplement daily.