For those looking to live a healthier and more nutritious lifestyle, one option is to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diet. The other way, for those adverse to greens, is health supplements, where you can supposedly get all the essential nutrients without putting a single stalk of celery into your mouth.
Green powders, in particular, have become increasingly popular. With numerous companies coming up with their own versions that are touted as the best and providing the most health benefits, it is hard for health-conscious consumers to decide on what is best for their body.
Each health supplement targets a different group of consumers and meets a different set of needs and wants. There is nothing like being spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing the best health supplement that suits you and reviews come in handy during such instances.
As such, here we are with an informative and honest review of the brand Patriot Power Greens to give you all you need to know before purchasing from them.
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Patriot Power Greens is a naturally formulated powdered drink that supports and boosts health and fitness. The company, Patriot Health Alliance was founded by a US veteran with the initial aim of creating a delicious, healthy drink for the US military in order to boost their energy levels.
What makes it different from other supplements is how it is targeted towards the elderly to improve their endurance to help maintain vitality and youthfulness.
It is made from 100% natural and herbal extracts and provides all the necessary nutrients that older citizens need on a daily basis.
Although it is targeted for the older generation who are over 50 years old, the supplement can also be consumed by gym-goers seeking an improvement in their stamina.
Patriot Power Greens is infused with 38 healthy fruits and vegetables, 10 strains of Probiotics and seven digestive enzymes.
Probiotics and digestive enzymes make it easier for your body to absorb all the goodness that comes from the vitamins and minerals.
While the product boasts of being a combination of superfoods that will greatly improve the fitness and well-being of the elderly, the main focus is to prevent inflammation which is a natural body process as a person ages as well as boosting one’s immune system.
Inflammation causes 90% of all diseases and ailments and the perfect mix of alkaline foods, anti-oxidants, and anti-inflammatory agents are necessary to curb this problem.
You may also be interested in: Our Recommended Greens Powder
This can be tricky and troublesome for many but Patriot Power Greens have successfully combined all the needed ingredients to fight off inflammation into a single green powder drink.
Both of these work to slow down the aging process so that elderly consumers can retain their youthful glow— talk about looking and feeling young forever, this product sounds like it does the trick.
Not to mention that it improves skin health and has digestive enzymes that are imperative in keeping a proper digestive system.
Even if consumers under 50 were to choose to purchase this green powder drink, they will be able to reap the other variety of benefits that come with this nutritious everyday drink.
Firstly, the product is great for increasing energy levels and decreasing fatigue while improving your daily stamina; definitely not some things that only the elderly need.
More so, this green powder solves problems of brain fogging, poor memory, anxiety, mood swings, and body pains— you can finally ditch your painkiller drugs for something yummier.
Secondly, Patriot Power Greens is the formula that combats two ailments at once. Alleviating inflammation leads to fewer blood clots within your arteries which then prevents heart attack and strokes.
Thirdly, the product is supposed to be your best bet against the aging process. It improves digestive health and makes your body more receptive to nutrients such that there is maximum absorption of all things good for you.
Finally, there are no additives, artificial fillers, allergens and last but not least, gluten. It is hence suitable for nearly every diet; even people living with diabetes as the drink contains natural sweeteners like acai juice and goji berry juice.
A quick glance at the ingredients list is enough for us to recognize many fruits and vegetables that we have eaten all our lives. From organic fruits and vegetables to probiotics and digestive enzymes, Patriot Power Greens makes a convincing point of being an enriching and healthful drink.
Putting that aside, a closer analysis of the main ingredients will give us a better idea of the kinds of nutrients that you are really putting into your body.
Sea Vegetables
Seaweeds are a great source of nutrition and can help promote thyroid function while improving heart health, making it unsurprising that Patriot Power Greens has a total of four seaweeds in their ingredients list.
First up is Organic Spirulina Algae, an energy booster that works as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the drink’s anti-inflammatory properties. It is proven to lower blood pressure and reduce cancer occurrence and tumor size.
Older citizens will be glad to know that Spirulina is effective against Anemia, which is a decrease in red blood cells or hemoglobin in your blood which will lead to increased feelings of fatigue and muscle weakness.
Secondly, Kombu seaweed is rich in iodine, one of the most essential nutrients that your body needs. Not to mention that it aids in preventing mineral deficiency as well as it contains zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and a variety of other minerals.
Thirdly, we have Nori seaweed which is the ultimate shield against anything that can harm your body. It is known for its antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Not only does it protect you from getting ill, but it will also help you get back on your feet much quicker should you happen to get sick.
Last but not least, we have Wakame seaweed which is packed with all the vitamin goodness. It is a common ingredient in miso soup and can be eaten alone due to its sweet flavor.
With Vitamin A, C, D, E, and K along with minerals like iodine, manganese, and folate, it is effective in reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels and impeding cancer cell growth.
If you are unfamiliar with seaweeds, fret not for there are 38 organic fruits and vegetables on the list which you’ve definitely come across before.
Organic Fruits and Vegetables
Many common household ingredients such as spinach, broccoli, kale and carrot to fruits like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and grapes make appearances.
When it comes to vegetables, kale is easily one of the most nutritious ones out there that can give you more Vitamin C than orange juice itself.
Besides that, it is loaded with antioxidants like Quercetin and Kaempferol which combats oxidative damage— the culprits of aging and many other diseases like cancer.
Another one to take note of will be the presence of parsley which helps your body stay young and healthy. It is rich in Vitamin K which contributes to building strong bones so that nothing will slow you down even after you turn 50.
In addition, carotenoids like Lutein, beta carotene, and zeaxanthin aid in protecting your eyes and maintain a healthy vision. Vitamin A in this vegetable also guards the cornea. This is definitely not something that is only beneficial for the elderly as it is never too early to enrich yourself with foods that will keep you healthy and fit.
Fruits wise, there is none other than the superfruit, acai berries. While the ingredients list states acai juice, you can surely derive the same benefits. Besides being packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can improve cholesterol levels and stop cancer cells from growing and spreading, they are known for boosting brain function capabilities so that you can retain good memory.
Beet juice, a new hyped-up superfood, has the ability to improve exercise stamina and muscle power— a definite plus point for gym-goers. Other than that, nitrates in beet juice increase blood flow to the brain, thus slowing down the progress of dementia.
Other ingredients included in the list will be the 10 strains of probiotics that create a healthy environment in your gut so that you don’t fall ill as often. They work together with the seven types of digestive enzymes that ensure your body completely absorbs all the nutrients you can get from the drink and make it easier to digest proteins and sugars; fueling you with energy to start your day.
While it is great that the drink uses 100% natural and herbal extracts, there is the downside of the list not including the exact amount of dosages for each ingredient. It is arguably not as transparent in comparison to other green powder brands out there, which is a downside for Patriot Power Greens.
With such a long list of ingredients, our number one question will be how do they all blend together to taste good at all? Regardless of it being a healthy everyday drink, the taste is an important factor in deciding if this is a product worth trying.
Well, lucky for us, the array of berries in the drink creates a yummy berry juice blend so that you can expect a pretty palatable mixed berry flavor with a hint of apple and passionfruit.
Compared to lots of other green juices that have grassy or unpleasant tastes, this one performs pretty well on the tasty scale.
Cost is always going to be a huge factor in purchasing a green powder. It is, after all, a less economically-friendly way of getting in greens against to buying 50-cent spinach from the market.
Compared to other green powder products out there, Patriot Power Greens is pretty affordable and will not burn a too huge hole in your pocket. Plus, you’ll save more when you buy more tubs at a time.
For a single tub which provides you with 30 servings, it is $58.90— that comes to $1.96 per serving excluding shipping charges.
If you opt for the three month supply of 90 servings, it is $149 with free shipping so it is $1.65 per serving. The deal that is most worth it would be if you buy a five-month supply as it costs $149 as well— that’s $0.99 per serving, a steal in our opinion.
What’s more, the company gives a 200% money-back guarantee for customers who don’t reap the benefits of the product within 30 days. Of course, you will need to provide a letter with a full explanation and usage in order to enjoy this deal.
A 100% lifetime money-back guarantee is also included for unsatisfied customers, with no letter needed at all.
With money-back guarantees and an affordable cost, Patriot Power Greens does seem like a good green powder brand to try out even if it’s your first time.
You can order it directly from the product’s official website. This ensures that you are getting the real deal and not a counterfeit that can be found in local markets and online.
Taking everything you’ve just learned about the product into account, you might still be sitting on the fence about making a purchase. Extensive research is important when it comes to choosing the right health supplement for you but there’s only so much you can do with the information that the company chooses to provide.
While the health benefits are no doubt impressive, Patriot Power Greens is arguably not the most transparent product out there as little is known about their manufacturing process, which is a problem with most green powders.
There are more transparent companies out there that provide similar benefits such as SuperGreen Tonik. However, do take note that Patriot Power Greens is for older people, hence the anti-aging and endurance benefits are a unique factor in their offerings.
At the end of the day, you just have to decide what you want out of a green powder! If vitality and improved energy, with the additional perk of anti-aging, is your goal then Patriot Power Greens is a pretty affordable option to try. That still doesn’t mean you don’t eat any vegetables, please…
Our Recommended Greens
Among the best in green superfood powders is SuperGreen TONIK.
Its amazing how this supplement combines organic greens, brain and immune nutrients, all in one easy, great tasting drink. Plus, you get all the vitamin and mineral you need each day.
Author Profile

- Hi, my name is Sandra! I am the main author and reviewer of Super Greens Expert. I am a keen juicer as I was want to get all my daily veggies. Having found super greens I now use one such supplement daily.
What is the $64.04 on my card for. What ever it is I DON’T want it. Your product is so sweet I can’t drink it with out saltine crackers to help it go down!
Hi Mary,
You would need to contact the company directly as are not in any way associated with Patriot Power Greens or their company Patriot Health Alliance.
I wish you all the best.
I rarely leave reviews but Thank you for all the information! I tell you that this drink came into my life in a strange way. Long story, but it saved my life! Not literally but I had stomach pain everyday for 3 years and was on all kinds of proronics and stomach meds. I started drinking this and my whole health changed and my stomach stopped hurting after 3.5 years! I recommend this to all my friends! I thanked Jesus for sending it my way! I am not in ANY way affiliated or paid by this company!
Will the greens cause nausea?