Being healthy is always a dilemma. We love the idea of being that person who wakes up at 5.30 am, drinks a green smoothie, goes to the gym, and eats kale salads for every meal.
But there’s one big problem — nobody really wants to eat vegetables.
That’s where green superfoods come in, and our focus in this Supergreen Tonik review. There has been an explosion of green powders and nutritional supplements on the market in recent years, all promising the benefits of greens for one’s health without the need to consume a single salad
While green powders do not replace veggies and fruits entirely, they can definitely help give you the needed nutritional boost. It isn’t easy to get all the nutrients we need, so if you’re looking to boost the nutritional quality of your diet, a green power might be the thing for you!
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Besides having 16 organic vegetables and adaptogens on its ingredients list, this brand stands out from others on the market due to its inclusion of nootropic brain ingredients.
Nootropic supplements are targeted for cognitive functions, promoting creativity, better memory, and even motivation in individuals. In short, it makes your brain stronger and healthier, compared to most green powders that just improve physical health with vitamins and nutrients.
It gives both men and women the chance to be the very best version of themselves by improving their mental and physical health with just one drink.
It is arguably perfect for you if you’re having difficulties maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle and also want to be your best version of yourself every day.
Most of all, it can help to reduce fatigue and brain fog, keeping you more focused during the day.
Like other green powder products from other brands, Supergreen Tonik is beneficial in fueling you with all the necessary daily vegetables in just one glass.
If you find it hard to incorporate enough vegetables into your diet, this is a good way to get the nutrients needed easily. After all, making trips to the farmer’s market twice a week for fresh produce and then preparing the veggies isn’t exactly time-friendly for busy adults.
It also makes a viable replacement for your daily vitamins as one drink contains all the key vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need daily.
Most of all, the product boasts of being able to create a better you by improving your mental and physical health.
Drinking the supplement on a daily basis not only ensures that your brain’s cognition will significantly improve so that you can put your best foot forward at work, but the powder also works in guarding your body against ailments that might slow you down.
First of all, the adaptogenic herbs in the drink can help you to unwind and stay focused if they are regularly stressed and anxious. The advantage of such herbs is that they relieve prolonged sources of stress and related hormonal imbalances.
Secondly, the product boosts memory retention and increased productivity. There is nothing like being physically and mentally charged to combat any obstacles faced at work while stimulating the brain’s cognitive skills for years to come.
Lastly, the ingredients are specially selected to help your body build a stronger immune system that can effectively fight against infections, micro bacteria, and viruses.
It won’t matter if you’re surrounded by sick people or fall ill as the powder will act as a protective shield that will get you back on your feet in no time— great for people always on the go.
To top it off, the product is produced in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facility which means that the manufacturing process is regularly and strictly checked to ensure that quality standards are met. It’s very nice to know some background about the production of this health supplement, so you know that you’re getting the best quality every time.
Besides that, the product is third-party tested to make sure that it complies with safety, quality, and performance standards. This is as an independent organization conducts a strict and unbiased review of the manufacturing process.
Most importantly, the ingredients are non-GMO which adds another perk of the product is ALL the greens ingredients are organic.
With all these benefits listed, no review will be complete without a close look at the ingredients list so you know exactly what you are putting into your body.
A glance at the list of ingredients that every health supplement contains may satisfy some health-conscious consumers. Still, SuperGreen Tonik takes it one step further by giving consumers full access to their ingredient dosages. This is pretty revolutionary since most supplement companies do not disclose the dosages, an issue that many have with green powders. So hats off to SuperGreen Tonik for this!
Their fully transparent labeling that can be found on their product and on their website is the ultimate proof that they hold their weight and can substantiate their claims of giving you all the necessary nutrients.
With that, we’ll break down the ingredients for you to better understand what all those weird Latin words mean, and how they benefit you.
This powerhouse green is the ultimate guard against various health ailments like diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy.
It belongs to a family of blue algae and packs a punch with all the protein, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that work to reduce allergies, cholesterol, and blood pressure among other things.
Plus, it can even lower blood sugar levels, detoxify the body, and improve muscle strength and endurance.
Chlorella (cracked cell)
These nutrient-dense algae are known for their incredible detoxifying abilities, especially when it comes to heavy metals.
Some metal elements like iron and copper are beneficial in small amounts while other heavy metals like cadmium and lead can be toxic when consumed in large amounts.
To combat this, Chlorella removes them from your body so that you’ll have a balanced, healthy amount.
Moreover, it contains Vitamin B12 and C, Omega-3s, and other antioxidants that work to improve your immune system and decrease chronic diseases.
Organic Moringa Oleifera
With a myriad of vitamins and minerals, Organic Moringa Oleifera can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Antioxidants like Quercetin works to lower blood pressure while Chlorogenic acid may help to moderate blood sugar levels.
It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties due to isothiocyanates, the main anti-inflammatory compound found in Moringa.
Ashwagandha Root Extract
This ancient medicinal herb is known for its anti-cancer properties as animal and test-tube studies have found that ashwagandha helps induce apoptosis, which slows the growth of cancer cells.
A 60-day study in 64 people with chronic stress reported a 69% reduction in anxiety and insomnia, yet another benefit that is scientifically proven.
This herb fights against ailments that might impede your productivity like slow reaction time and lack of focus; factors that will affect your overall task performance during and outside of work. It’s clear that Ashwaganha is beneficial for men and has health benefits for women.
Rhodiola Rosea
This golden root is best known as adaptogens, which means that it helps your body adapt to stress when consumed regularly.
Plus, it is a very popular ingredient used in Russia and the Scandinavian countries to combat anxiety, fatigue, and depression.
To back all these facts up, studies have shown that participants who consume this root daily for weeks on end have experienced improvements in their sleep, exhaustion, and anxiety, with most feeling the effects after merely three days.
While all the main ingredients may sound somewhat foreign to most consumers, there is no denying that the health benefits they boast of are substantiated by well-researched studies.
No added junk!
Last but not least, the most attractive feature of the ingredients list is probably the fact that the powder is made with no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and added sugar.
Ingredients are used in their most natural form with no additives so you know that you are getting the exact amount listed on the dosage list and nothing else— absolutely no need to worry that you’re getting more, or less than you bargained for.
We know what you’re thinking, with 16 vegetables and herbs blended into one powder, how great can the drink taste?
The first thing that comes to mind when you consider healthy green powder supplements is probably the bitter taste that you’ve to force yourself to gulp down every morning.
Well, SuperGreen Tonik is definitely not like the other green powder products or juice blends you are used to. The founders know that the raw green ingredients are anything but delectable, so they added a refreshing natural ingredient of mint to act as a natural sweetener.
All you’ll need to do is mix one scoop of Supergreen Tonik with either water or smoothie for a thirst-quenching and refreshingly palatable mint drink that’ll brighten your mornings!
The benefits are all fine and good, but what really makes a purchase is the cost of the product.
If you would like to start off with one tub, it will be $87 for 30 servings — that’s $2.90 per serving for a tub that will last you one month.
There is also the saver bundle which comes at three tubs for $227— that’s $72 per tub and $2.40 per serving, great savings and means you’re sorted for 3-months health-wise!
The biggest saving though is available with the 6-tub bundle at $377 (just $62 per month or $2.09 per day) making it cheaper than your branded coffee purchase.
This supplement is certainly on the premium end of the range of super greens, however, this is for good reason.
Taking into account the transparency of the ingredients list, impressive health benefits, and production quality, this is a product well worth buying even if this is your first time trying green powder supplements.
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Where to Buy Supergreen Tonik
Regardless of whether this is the first time you are trying green powder or you’ve tried many others that have not quite met your expectations, choosing to buy a tub or tubs of the SuperGreen Tonik is a relatively easy process.
You can only purchase the product on their official website— a surefire way to know that you’re getting the real deal.
All you need to do is add the number of tubs you want to your cart and checkout. What’s most attractive about the purchase process would surely have to be their 365-day Money-back Guarantee.
If you tried Supergreen Tonik and decided that it’s not the one for you, simply contact the supplier and they will handle the return process, meaning it’s truly a no-risk option for you — if that’s not a good deal, we don’t know what is.
Plus, you will get to do a little bit of charity as the company donates $1 USD with every purchase of SuperGreen Tonik to VitaminAngels which supports less fortunate children around the world.
The big win for us with SuperGreen Tonik is its lack of proprietary blend and fully transparent ingredients list, down to the dosages—we’re not going to lie, that is rare among numerous health supplements.
While it may not have over 50 ingredients or low prices like its’ competitors, you get the proper dosage of the ingredients in an easy-to-drink daily tonic.
You are paying with full knowledge of exactly what and how much of each ingredient is in each serving. All ingredients are disclosed, and the company takes extra steps to ensure quality control and good production practices, a standard that more companies should adhere to in this age of transparency.
What’s more, having fewer ingredients can actually be a plus point. Unlike many competitors with so many ingredients, there is obviously the problem of insufficient dosages for the product to actually have a positive effect.
SuperGreen Tonik doesn’t rely on gimmicks and impressive ingredient lists to sell itself — it pulls back and produces a high-quality, down-to-earth green powder that actually does what it says.
If you are starting out with green powders, it is a great way to become more aware and conscious of how much nutrients you should be taking. Having full knowledge of dosages and ingredients also makes you more discerning when buying other supplements.
We are big fans of SuperGreen Tonik and feel it is worth the money. Your purchase is risk-free too with their one-year money-back guarantee, meaning you can give it a try and if not happy get your money back.
It is a truly fantastic formula for those looking to fuel both their mind and body; a truly “productivity greens” supplement that will keep you healthy and at your best self for maximum performance.
Author Profile

- Hi, my name is Sandra! I am the main author and reviewer of Super Greens Expert. I am a keen juicer as I was want to get all my daily veggies. Having found super greens I now use one such supplement daily.
I should have read ur stuff b4 jumpin the gun..I finally ordered the trial $9ish dollar bag frm the tv add for “Grn Amer Super Food”. Picked it up today, came with the 4 month deal that i was lead to believe wud b a future option. I called, operator was nice bla bla..i told her i didnt think much of the biz practice..So, at best, i decide i dont care that we dont know whats really in the product & they dont do me wrong if i send it back. Jst dumping on us the need to go back to the PO to return the 4 month deal is an immediate turn off, in principle mostly. I like, almost love the taste…price comparison is negligable..(questionable as to whether i can “afford” any “Super Foods”..& cant afford not too, i kno) but, not knowing exactly whats in there is probably a deal breaker for me..Sad to hear theres been complaints around the billing also..Anyhow, thank you for making me think & bringing us the info ! Very cool ! ???? RT
I was skeptical but gave it a try in the end by getting the 3 canisters of green tonic. i know that taste can vary but I quite liked this. There is a little sweetness and can definitely taste the mint. Both of which I like.
Within a few days I noticed more energy during the day. will update my progress.
The nootropics are not listed.
Hi Mel,
The nootropics are listed on the label we have shown and we have listed a few of the ingredients in our review, such as Ashwagandha Root Extract and Rhodiola Rosea.