Peak Performance Green Superfood Review

Peak Performance supergreens powderPeak Performance is a brand dedicated to providing supplements to optimize health, energy, and mind. Although Peak Performance understands that athletes use supplements, they are trying to target people who just don’t have the correct amount of nutrition in their diets. The brand produces and sells a variety of health and wellbeing products.

Peak Performance has made sure that the Green Superfood mix is not only an easy way for people to consume vitamins, minerals, and nutrition, but it’s also available for a large variety of people.

The Peak Performance Green Superfood is vegan, vegetarian, allergy-free, soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and preservative-free. The product is made under the highest quality FDA, GMP, and NSF regulations (1).

Peak Performance also engages in charity work and is partnered with The Nonprofit Vitamins angels. For every bottle that is purchased, Peak Performance will supply vitamins to a child at risk of malnutrition for 1 year. This is a really inspiring touch and one that makes the brand stand out from the crowd.

Peak Performance brought out their Green Superfood in order to cater to busy individuals that don’t have time to prepare fresh, nutritious food or SuperGreens juices every day. The Peak Performance Green Superfood is a quick and easy way for anyone to receive a dose of healthy goodness in one drink.

The Superfood powder is designed to boost energy, provide the correct daily dose of nutrition from naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, aid the immune system and keep people as healthy as possible.

The Peak Performance Green Superfood contains a myriad of ingredients filled with vital vitamins and minerals. All of the ingredients within the powder are farm-fresh and organic, which means they’re free from toxins, pesticides, and other unnatural substances.

All of the ingredients have slightly different health benefits and specific properties, but overall, the Superfoods within the mix contain alkalizing, detoxing and energizing properties. The Superfoods within the mix will also help strengthen the immune system, provide a long-lasting energy boost, fight infection, keep the heart and other organs healthy. The Peak Performance Green Superfood mix also contains probiotics that will aid with digestion and keep the digestive system in optimum health.

The ingredients within the Peak Performance Green Superfood powder have been categorized into six groups – the organic greens blend, organic garden bend, organic glucose balance blend, the fiber and digestion blend, the organic inflammatory response, immune, muscle, and joint blend and then organic liver and detox blend.

Peak performance has grouped with the ingredients by the health benefits they provide– all detoxing ingredients sit under the organic liver and detox blend category. This is really useful, so the consumer can see clearly what ingredients are providing them with what benefits.

Guy running by water

The Peak Performance Green Superfood powder contains 29 ingredients in total, and the brand seems very transparent in revealing the ingredients and the amounts of the ingredients fully. All of the ingredients can be found on both the Peak Performance Green Superfood website under the product description, other online retailer’s description of the product and on the back of the product’s tub.

The team behind Peak Performance is clearly very informed about nutrition because they are only 29 ingredients within the mix. A lot of other health supplement brands that aren’t as informed, tend to put a lot of ingredients into their mixes that just aren’t necessary.

You may also be interested in: Our Recommended Greens Powder

As mentioned above, Peak Performance group together with their ingredients into categories based on health benefits. We are going to take a look at 10 of the most beneficial ingredients within the mix – six of these are SuperGreens.

  • Organic Barley Grass – Barley grass helps to aid weight loss, boosts energy levels, reduces inflammation, aids the digestive system and improves sleep (2).
  • Organic Moringa Leaf – Moringa trees originate from India, and have been used there and across Asia for centuries in traditional medicine. Moringa leaves are rich in anti-oxidants, help to lower blood sugar levels, have anti-inflammatory properties and lowers cholesterol (3).
  • Organic Wheat Grass – Wheat Grass is rich in anti-oxidants, aids the digestive process, boosts metabolism and energy, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood pressure and also benefits brain function (4).
  • Organic Chlorella – Chlorella is an alga that has a variety of health benefits. It boosts the immune system, is packed with antioxidants, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, improves blood sugar levels, aids digestion, supports the health of the liver and improves exercise performance (5).
  • Organic Spirulina – Spirulina is an alga found in both freshwater and saltwater. It is filled with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties, lowers cholesterol, may protect from cancer, may be effective against anemia and keeps muscles strong (6).
  • Organic Kale – Kale is a leafy green that has detox properties, protects cells from damage, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and aids weight loss (7).
  • Organic Green Tea Extract – Green tea extract is a concentrated form of green tea – it contains the same amount of ingredients as one cup of green tea. Green tea is high in antioxidants, improves heart health, improves brain function, aids with weight loss and may help to reduce the risk of cancer (8).
  • Organic Tumeric Root – Turmeric is packed with antioxidants, increases brain function, lowers the rate of aging for both the skin and the mind, lowers risk or cancer and improves heart health (9).
  • Organic Milk Thistle – Milk thistle is a herbal ingredient, derived from the milk thistle plant. It protects the liver, helps slow the aging of the brain, may prevent cancer and help through cancer treatment, helps with skin conditions and lowers blood sugar levels in those who are diabetic (10).
  • Bacillus Coagulans (Probiotic) – Bacillus coagulans is a type of good bacteria – a probiotic. It helps lower the symptoms caused by those who have IBS, has anti-inflammatory properties, aids with constipation and intestinal gas (11).

The Peak Performance Green Superfood has a natural, SuperGreens taste to it. However, it isn’t overpowering like many other SuperGreens powders can be. Organic Stevia extract is used in the mix, and it adds a light, naturally sweetened taste to the powder. The taste isn’t overly sweetened though, it is simply refreshing and you can taste the organic fruit and vegetables within the mix. It tastes healthy.

Unlike other health and wellbeing supplement brands, Peak Performance does not offer a subscription service, or any type of deal when you buy more than one tub. Although this can seem initially quite disappointing for the customer, it can be seen positively. Peak Performance clearly doesn’t need to make deals and offer lower rates – the product is high quality, and the brand isn’t going to push deals your way to ensure you purchase it.

The tubs of Peak Performance Green Superfood are 10.5oz (300g). Peak Performance is offering a much bigger tub than other SuperGreens brands. The brand suggests a serving size of 10g. This is a particularly generous serving size, and therefore if you are using less, you might be pleased that the powder lasts longer than you expected. Peak Performance is certain that the Green Superfood tub will last you 30 days.

  • One tub of Peak Performance Green Superfood, from the Peak Performance website, is $39.95. This means that the cost per serving is $1.33.
  • This cost per serving price might seem a little more expensive than other SuperGreens brands, but it is still relatively cost-effective, especially when you realize that Peak Performance has put the serving size as 10g – you will most likely use less than this per serving, and therefore the cost per serving for you would go down.

Peak Performance is a popular brand that ships internationally, and therefore there are a variety of reviews on the product. Although the Peak Performance website shows the reviews of each product under the product description, we always look at third-party websites to ensure we are taking a look at honest feedback. Most of the time, a brand will only put positive feedback on its website, which makes the reviews bias.
However, there is an array of positive reviews about the product. Take a look at some of the positive reviews below (12):

If you’ve been reading the reviews that this is the best tasting Green powder out there, they aren’t lying. I’ve tried many other green powders that taste nothing close to how good this is. With that said, if you want greens in your diet, this product is your best bet. Once this runs out, I’ll def buy it again. Honestly, most greens give your smoothie more of a grassy taste, this is much better.
For those who think it does taste grassy, I’d comfortably say you’ve never tried anything else.

I use to take a cocktail of supplements every morning. A bunch of different bottles for energy, mental/physical well being. Now, all I take is Peak Performance Organic Greens Superfood and Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper. That’s it. I’m saving close to 70 dollars a month now. I feel great. My workouts are great. I feel alert and active. I’m 48 and have more energy and stamina than people half my age. Try it once and you’ll feel the difference.

There’s very little negative feedback about Peak Performance Superfood, but we were able to find some of the more negative reviews – take a look at them below (12):

I had high hopes for this product. I was going away and wanted to use it to substitute for the fresh green drink I have daily. Good thing I tried it out before I left town. About 30 minutes after consuming I was throwing up and had to stay in the bathroom on the throne holding a bucket for the better part of six hours. I have was sweating and had chills at the same time. I am so glad I tried before I went on vacation. This could have ruined it for sure. While I am sure that everything in this product is good, it did not agree with my system at all. That is why I could not rate it for ingredient quality or value for money.

I liked all the ingredients, but the strong taste of stevia ruins it for me. If you can’t get it down what good is it? The stevia is so strong that I have a bad taste in my mouth for about an hour! I tried it in a smoothie and it took away from my smooth flavor but I could get it down. But I do not drink smoothies every day! But you still get that bad taste in your mouth. I have to try something else.

You can purchase Peak Performance Green Superfood directly on the Peak Performance website and on Amazon. We would recommend purchasing the product directly through the Peak Performance website – if you sign up to the mailing list, you get 20% off your first order. At the time of writing this review, the Peak Performance Green Superfood was not available in any stores on the high street.

The Peak Performance Green Superfood is an impressive product, full to the brim with Superfoods that have extraordinary health benefits. The brand is transparent and honest. The price is a little on the more expensive side, but still cost-effective, especially because the brand has given such a large serving size and the tub is so large.

The majority of reviews on the product are extremely positive and customers are excited to explain how much they love this product. The negative views on this product are from people who have either had reactions to the products within this mix or from people who really disliked the taste.

Overall, Peak Performance Green Superfood is an excellent product.

Author Profile

Hi, my name is Sandra! I am the main author and reviewer of Super Greens Expert. I am a keen juicer as I was want to get all my daily veggies. Having found super greens I now use one such supplement daily.

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